City of Riverside
implemented process for permitting solicitors:
The main intention with the implementation of this process is the safety of our residents.

Short Facts About the Solicitation Permit Ordinance
Solicitors may not solicit prior to 9:00 AM or after 6:00 PM CST Monday through Saturday;
Solicitors may not solicit anytime on Sundays or Federal Holidays;
Panhandling is prohibited in the City;
Solicitors must examine the premises for “No Soliciting” signage and must desist in any efforts to solicit or leave literature if a sign exists on the property;
Any solicitor who is asked to leave any residence by an occupant shall immediately and peacefully depart;
Every solicitor shall at all times, while exercising the privilege in the City, wear upon his person his permit card issued by the City of Riverside and same shall be exhibited by such person at all times while soliciting; Solicitor shall also have in their possession at all times their current business license certificate.
It is unlawful to go in or upon private residences within the City without a request or invitation by the owner(s) or occupant(s) of private residence and is only allowed at the primary entrance to a residence.
Persons making solicitations for a church, religious organization or charitable organizing are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance; LOCAL Students soliciting contributions to finance extracurricular academic, social, athletic, artistic, scientific or cultural programs, provided that the solicitation and its purpose have been approved by the principal, president or chief administrator of the school that the students attend and said approval has been filed in writing with the City are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance; Persons canvassing for the purpose of distributing political literature or material on behalf of a political party, candidate or public use introducing themselves of supporters of a candidate political part cause or issue are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance;
Issuance of a license and/or permit does not represent directly or indirectly that the City or any governmental entity endorses the solicitation or implies any endorsement of the solicitor’s product or service.
Residents who encounter solicitors in violation of any of the provisions of the Ordinance should immediately contact Central Dispatch at 205.884.3333 to report the incident.

To obtain an application for a Solicitor's Permit please email request to