Revenue & Inspections Department
This office handles licensing, permitting, inspections and nuisance.
Office hours : Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 11:00am
Contact us at revenue@riverside-al.com
All construction work shall comply with the 2015 International Building Code
If you are developing property, remodeling, adding or modifying land and/or structures located within the City of Riverside, there are several steps to follow:
Check the zoning designation for the property you wish to develop. Visit our Zoning Map to determine the zoning designation for a specific property.​
Check the sewer, septic, & sanitation requirements for your property.
Apply for a Zoning Certificate
Apply for the applicable building permit(s).
For new construction, submit complete Building Plans to R&I Department
As part of the application for a building permit, site plans must be approved.
Once you have an approved building permit, you may apply for any additional building permits such as electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas, etc., as required by the project.
The City of Riverside inspects all construction projects for conformance to applicable building codes. To request an inspection, please complete the Inspection Form or call the R&I Department at 205-338-7692 ext. 3, during normal business hours.
Upon completion of construction and when all inspections have been passed, you will receive a final Certificate of Occupancy. This is required to apply for a business license if this is a commercial property.
Site Plan Review Process
____ Building Permit Application
____ Hard Copy of Site Plan
____ PDF Digital Site Plan
REVIEW PROCESS (With Estimated Processing Time)
STEP 1. Submission (1-3 days): Prior to commencing any earthwork or construction of any building or structure, applicants are required to submit an application for a Building Permit to the Revenue & Inspections (R&I) Department.
Permit applications for excavation and/or construction shall be accompanied by a vicinity map and a site plan showing all pertinent information necessary to ensure the site will conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and also for erosion control.
For Commercial construction: 3 copies of the site plan shall be submitted to the R&I Department
For Residential construction: 1 copy of the site plan shall be submitted to the R&I Department
Submitted site plan shall be signed by the Engineer and with Engineer's seal. Site plan shall be submitted to the R&I Department inside Riverside City Hall. Additionally, the applicant shall send a digital copy of the site plan to the R&I Clerk at revenue@riverside-al.com. The digital file shall be in PDF format only, in the appropriate page size (no larger than 11" x 14"), and with an appropriate scale. ​
​After submission, the R&I Clerk will notify the applicant of any other documents or forms that are necessary for the review.
​STEP 2. Application Fee (2-4 days): Before the application is sent for review, the calculated Application Fee will be invoiced to the email address listed on the
application. Payment may be made online via the emailed invoice, or in person at City Hall. Once fees are paid, the application will be sent for review.
STEP 3. Site Plan Review (2-7 days): Digital copies of the site plan will be distributed to the Review Departments consisting of the City Clerk, Fire Chief, and Building Inspector for
approval. Each department will Site plans will also be submitted and reviewed, as needed, by the City Engineer, Police Chief, and Utility Superintendent.
If the site plan is approved, it will be signed as approved by the Building Inspector. Upon receipt of approval, the site plan will be forwarded to the R&I Clerk and a permit may be issued.
If the site plan is not approved, all comments regarding the plans made by the reviewing departments will be collected by the R&I Department and forwarded to the applicant. The applicant may contact the Revenue and Inspections Department at revenue@riverside-al.com to go over comments and possible solutions. Once all comments are addressed, the applicant shall submit a finalized physical site plan and a final PDF to the R&I Clerk. The final site plan will be signed as approved and will be forwarded to the R&I Clerk for a permit to be issued.
Please Note:
No Permit can be issued without first obtaining a Zoning Certificate for the property.
It shall be unlawful and no person shall commence any type of construction of any commercial nor residential building, within the City of Riverside, without first obtaining a building permit from the City of Riverside prior to beginning any part of the construction.
All contractors, subcontractors and others performing work or services in the City shall have a current business license prior to beginning any work.
The following may be required prior to permit approval:
All turnouts into State Highway 78 require a permit from the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT).
Job site requirements:
The building permit shall be displayed in a prominent place on the building site.
Toilet facilities for workers, employees, subcontractors and others is required to be placed on site at the beginning of construction unless such facilities are otherwise available.
A Subcontractor List must be provided to the R&I Department, to include Business name and contract information, within 15 days of the permit issuance or 3 days from hiring, whichever first occurs.
Road cuts for utilities of any type are prohibited. Application for waiver may be made to the Code Enforcement Officer. Any waiver requires a bond from a sufficient surety to guarantee repair to any roads or other City property damaged by the road cut.
Spillage on the public roadway of materials shall be removed immediately and may be subject to an assessment for hazard materials clean up.
Bins and dumpsters for construction trash and garbage shall be located in a suitable and safe location and shall be of sufficient size for trash and garbage that will likely be generated by the project. Location of such trash bins on the streets is prohibited.
Mud, dirt or gravel shall not be tracked onto the public roadway from the site.
In no event shall the project create a drainage problem for the adjacent land owners. A certified engineer's drainage plan may be required. All surface water runoff and control of silt from the worksite shall be maintained by the contractor.
Work sites are to be kept in an orderly and clean manner.
Revenue & Inspections Department
Riverside City Hall
379 Depot Street
Riverside, Alabama 35135