Riverside Police Department
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The Riverside Police Department is staffed by full-time and part-time, APOST certified officers.
A certified drug detection K-9 partner can often be seen on patrol, always ready to assist in searching for illegal substances or soak up the attention of interested youngsters.
We work closely with Riverside Fire & Rescue Service in responding on medical emergencies and fire calls to provide assistance where needed.
Having several miles of Interstate 20 passing through our city limits, as well as residents and visitors enjoying our many miles of Coosa River shoreline, truly makes us the playground of the Coosa. Being "people centered" focuses our attention on the needs of the residents of Riverside as well as those just passing through. We are here to not only enforce the law, but to serve and protect.
Riverside Police Department
Riverside City Hall
379 Depot Street
Riverside, Alabama 35135
Email Police Chief Jake Heath